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Measure the Talents That Matter.
Accurately Predict Performance Levels.

Personality, behavioral, and skills based assessments aren’t fulfilling their promise of helping organizations identify and develop candidates with the Talents to reach the highest levels of performance.
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Conchie selection assessments get
top quartile performance predictions right

8 times out of 10.


For All the People Who Work for You,
in All the Ways They Work for You.

Our generalized and boutique assessments enable managers to position the most Talented candidates to do their best work.

We Are Your Long-Term Partner in

Succession Planning

Discover hidden potential hiding in your ranks. Minimize the bias that stops you betting on Talented individuals.

Conchie selection assessments enable you to identify and invest early in employees who have the Talents to be brilliant in every setting, at every level.

Our assessments provide performance predictions for the present role and indicators for next-level Talents waiting to be developed.

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The Most Powerful 

Talent Assessment and Analysis Tool

We understand the demands on HR professionals to support their organizations in hiring top talent. Socrates is the most powerful assessment and analysis tool for those wanting to identify the very best candidates for external hires and internal promotions.

Our powerful analytics engine answers the questions that matter:

  1. How high are our selection standards? 

  2. Are the candidates we’re hiring today stronger than our current best in role?

  3. Is our selection process biased against any minority group?

  4. Are we making progress in identifying and selecting more Talented and diverse individuals for key roles? 

  5. How accurate were our performance predictions for new hires? 

  6. What was the business impact of our hiring decisions?

  7. How well could we be performing if we raised our selection standards?

What Are Talents? 
The term “talent” is far too generally used as a hiring characteristic. To us it has a limited, specific and impactful definition – talents are naturally occurring thoughts, feelings and behaviors that can allow individuals to convert their experience, knowledge, skills and motivation into superior performance. Our assessments provide an objective measurement of the talents that matter for the role you are hiring. 

Examples of Natural Talent: 

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Generating many plausible ideas about how to solve a problem.
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Delivering tough messages and making difficult people decisions.
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Inspiring others with a positive message about the value they create.  
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Setting exponential goals that drive others to superior performance.
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Seeing a clear sequence and eliminating ambiguity in work planning. 

Comprehensive Performance Predictions Measuring the Five Talents that Really Matter

Candidates who score more positively on Conchie assessments are more likely to:
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Setting Direction: 

Plot a course of action to achieve a more positive future state.


Harnessing Energy:

Push themselves and others to work hard and deliver results.


Exerting Pressure:

Influence others to do what is required and to do what is right.


Increasing Connectivity: 

Building meaningful connections to break down work barriers.


Controlling Traffic: 

Create and drive systems and processes to manage work complexity.

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