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Long-Term Partnerships 

Guided By Proprietary Assessment And Survey Insights

Conchie has global expertise in the areas of psychometric assessment, top-level succession planning, individual and team optimization, organizational effectiveness and strategic alignment. 
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Executive Selection

Psychometric Assessment

Conchie’s Executive Leadership Assessment (ELA) provides a research-based performance prediction of executive leadership effectiveness. Based on comparisons to our global leadership database of C-Suite executives we evaluate individuals and teams against five leadership talent dimensions and nineteen more specifically defined leadership performance themes.
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Executive Development

360 Feedback Survey

The best coaching must develop capability and impact performance. Understanding the demands of your role, your talent, and your experience, places us in a unique position to guide the development and growth of executive leaders. 

Typical Development Engagements May Include:

Clinically assess individuals and provide developmentally focused feedback  

Get to know individuals and the context of their leadership challenges and aspirations

Observe individuals in team settings  

Provide guidance on the optimization of relationships with direct reports and key partners

Contribute to an individual’s development plan 

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Executive Team Optimization

Team Effectiveness Survey

We have spent many years studying the most successful executive teams and identifying factors that are key to their success. We have also studied teams who have failed. By applying our research knowledge of effective team leadership, we help steer a team along the right path, accentuating behavior that drives success and managing behavior that does not.

Each team engagement is different. We have ideas and approaches designed to address many different challenges and opportunities. We deploy a range of carefully researched, proprietary assessment and development tools that are focused on team analysis. Some of these engagements are in-depth and involved.

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Examples Of Team Optimization Engagements We Have Led:  

Identify and address the barriers in team functioning that prevent a team from working effectively together  

Develop balanced scorecards and establish objective performance accountability   

Assess the psychological and behavioral composition of a team to determine collective ‘blindspots’ and opportunities  

Address dysfunction between the CEO and leadership team and their Board of Directors  

Facilitate complex structural reorganization planning and implementation  

Long-term strategic planning and team alignment 

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Succession Planning

The most effective succession planning requires proactive investment in the long-term development of internal leadership capability. As higher-level vacancies arise, a company can surface numerous highly talented internal candidates who stand comparison against any external candidate field.

Our Executive Leadership Assessment provides the objective measurement and calibration of talent that are essential to this approach.

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Companies Benefit From Our ELA To Address Critical Leadership Questions:

What critical leadership talent gaps might impair the functioning of our organization?  

Do we know what capabilities to hire for in future roles?  

Do we have sufficient, credible successors for key roles?  

Are our next level leaders stronger than our current executives?  

Do we have future credible CEO candidates? 


Over the last five years, I have had the pleasure of working with Barry Conchie on a wide range of issues including team effectiveness, strategy, succession planning, talent selection, and executive coaching. He brings advice based on proven research and extensive real world experience. He will stretch and challenge your thinking and deliver advice in a well-reasoned, direct manner. I have been delighted with my interactions with Barry and appreciate the opportunity to frequently benefit from his wisdom.

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